South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa
Date of Independence: May 31, 1961
Capital: 3 Capital cities
Executive: Pretoria
Judicial: Bloemfontein
Legislative: Cape Town
Population: 59,622,350 (2019 Estimate)
Foreign-born Population: 4.2 million (2019 Estimate)
Government Structure: Constitutional Democracy
Leaders(s)I President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa
Primary Flow of Immigration:
Immigrants come to South Africa in search of economic opportunities, and to leave behind political instability and increasingly, environmental hazards in other regions
The most industrialized economy in the region and a particularly attractive destination for those in search of education and better opportunities
Current Stance on Immigration:
Largest recipient of immigrants in Africa
Recent outbreak of violence in South African cities due to xenophobia, with at least a dozen killed in the unrest.
The unrest stems from widespread frustration over persistent poverty and unemployment, consequences of an economic downturn
A small number of refugees and asylum seekers fear persecution based on religion, ethnicity, national origin, or political views in the country
Migrants in South Africa rarely apply for refugee status. They are unregulated, in search of work
Preferred Destinations of Emigrants:
United Kingdom: 203,477 (2011)
Australia: 178,700 (2016)
United States: 82,054 (2011)
New Zealand: 54,279 (2013)
Canada: 43,406 (2011)
Recent Immigration Policy:
Current immigration policy makes a clear statement in favour of skilled migration
The Constitution of South Africa is widely regarded as one of the most progressive in the world
LGBTQ+ enjoy the same rights and protections as the heterosexual community
Life partnership is protected and therefore unmarried partners can accompany their partner
The immigration system is not based on a quota or points-based system. It does not distinguish between the right to work and the right to reside
The work visa or other form of visa also gives the right to reside in South Africa. There is no additional registration process required.
Further Reading:
“Immigration.” South African High Commission, 2019,
“Immigration.” South Africa Department of Home Affairs, 2021,
“South Africa.” International Organization for Migration, 28 June 2018,
—Salloni Sunderaj
“2011 Census.” The National Archives, United Kingdom, 2011,
Africa, Statistics South. “South Africa Emigration Data.” Statistics South Africa, 2011,
Campbell, John. “What's Behind South Africa's Recent Violence?” Council on Foreign Relations, Council on Foreign Relations, 2019,
“Government Leaders.” South African Government,
Grinwis, Dan. Cape Town’s Atlantic Seaboard, South Africa. Cape Town, 20 June 2018.
Heleta, Savo, et al. “How Many Immigrants Live in South Africa?” Africa Is a Country, 2019,
Krensel, Andreas. “A General Introduction to Immigration Law and Policy in South Africa.” Lexology, 28 May 2020,
“Mid-Year Population Estimates.” Republic of South Africa, Statistics South Africa, July 2020,
“Migration Data in the Southern African Development Community (SADC).” Migration Data Portal,
Reality Check Team. “South Africa: How Common Are Xenophobic Attacks?” BBC News, BBC, 2 Oct. 2019,
“Structure and Functions of the South African Government.” South African Government,
Writer, Staff. “How Many South Africans Are Moving to Australia.” BusinessTech, 20 June 2016,