Caracas, Venezuela
Full Name: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Venezuela)
Date of Independence: July 5, 1811
Capital: Caracas
Population: 29, 789,730 (2022)
Government Structure: Federal Presidential Republic
Leader(s): President Nicolás Maduro
Primary Flow of Immigration:
Positive net migration rate (13.88 migrants/1,000 population) in 2022, a significant decline since 2021
Venezuela has been experiencing mass emigration due to the repressive Maduro regime
Current Stance on Immigration: [or] Major Destinations of Emigrants:
Approximately 8 out of every 10 Venezuelan migrants stay in Latin America and the Caribbean
Most of the remainder settle in North America and Southern Europe
Neighboring Colombia (~1.78 million) and Peru (~941,889) are the largest recipients of Venezuelans
Then, followed by Chile (523,553), U.S. (505,647), Ecuador (388,861), and Spain (325, 667)
Recent Immigration Policy: [or] Primary “Push” Factors:
Venezuela is in the midst of an unprecedented political turmoil and economic downturn, forcing more than 6.8 million Venezuelans since 2014 to flee their country
Migrants are fleeing due to years of failed socio-economic policies by the oppressive Maduro regime, which has stripped basic rights away from citizens
Resultantly, Venezuela is wracked by hyperinflation, a severe dearth of food and medicine, and soaring crime rates
Public Opinion on Migration:
The Venezuelan Exodus is one of the largest and swiftest mass migrations in Latin American history, and the dire situation has forced the U.N. to characterize the situation as a humanitarian crisis
The unprecedented influx has placed further pressure on regional hosts like Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru
Due to the pressure, these neighboring countries have placed certain immigration restrictions such as a passport requirement
Many Venezuelans have made the trek to the U.S.’ southern border, but an abrupt shift in the Biden administration’s immigration policy has left tens of thousands of Venezuelans stranded
In October 2022, the U.S. invoked a Trump-era rule, under Title 42, that has deported thousands of Venezuelans to Mexico under the argument that they pose a danger of introducing COVID-19 into the U.S
Further Reading: