Ho Chi Minh City, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
Full Name: Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Date of Independence: September 2, 1945
Capital: Hanoi
Population: 98.86 million (2023)
Foreign-Born Population: 76,767 (2020)
Government Structure: Socialist Republic with a one-party system led by the Communist Party of Vietnam
Leader: President Vo Van Thuong
Primary Flow of Immigration:
The net migration rate in 2024 is -0.920 per 1000 people, a 1.6% decline from 2023. - Immigrants primarily come from other Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Lao, and Cambodians who were exiled from the country and lost their documentation.
Major Destinations of Emigrants
United States: The largest number of Vietnamese residing abroad (3.4 million as of mid-2020).
In 2022, it was estimated that more than 1.3 million Vietnamese immigrants resided in the U.S., representing approximately 3 percent of all U.S. immigrants
Other top destinations include Japan (336,000), China (303,000), and Australia (270,000).
Primary “Push” Factors
After the Vietnam War ended and the U.S. military retreated in 1975, many Vietnamese people immigrated as the U.S. government evacuated about 125,000 people that year, most of whom had fought for the South and were associated with the U.S. military.
Nowadays, around 87% of Vietnamese immigrants obtained their green card through family reunification channels, either as immediate relatives of U.S. citizens or through other family-sponsored pathways
In recent years, many young Vietnamese have left their homeland for better educational or work opportunities since the Vietnamese education system lacks progression. - As Vietnam benefits economically from receiving one of the highest remittance amounts in the world, it is also likely that low-income people immigrate to more developed countries to support their families financially.
—Annette Nguyen
Sources: %2C%20the%20United%20States%20is,%2C%20and%20Australia%20(270%2C000) 0net%20migration%20rate,a%202%25%20increase%20from%202021.